"Not know your own strength" nghĩa là gì?

Spider-man này trông hơi "pha ke" nhỉ :D. Photo by Josh Hild from Pexels

"Not know (one's) own strength" = không lượng sức mình -> nghĩa là không nhận biết đủ, đánh giá thấp về khả năng/ sức mạnh của bản thân.

Ví dụ
These men are few in public life because they do not know their own strength. It is like Columbus and the egg once again; a few original men will show it can be done, and then a crowd of common men will follow.

The first step is picking a suitable target (mục tiêu phù hợp). You have to know your own strengths and weaknesses. Don’t go up to a girl twice your height or 5 years your senior (although 3 years my senior has worked before).

Or was he so far self-deceived (tự dối mình) that he did not know his own strength, and believed that many a plan which came from his own powerful brain proceeded from the great heart of the people, which he so thoroughly venerated (tôn kính)?

Peter Parker, also known as The Amazing Spider-Man, is a kind and selfless spider web fighter who uses his superhuman abilities for good. There have been times when Peter himself did not know the depth of his strength; in those moments he draws his power from something deeper within him.

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