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địa y (thật ra) có nhiều giới tính hơn các nhà khoa học tưởng...
...In other words, reindeer lichen (địa y) have been having plenty of sex.

Lichen are composite organisms featuring fungi (nấm) and algae (tảo). Algae provide energy via photosynthesis (quang hợp), while the fungi secure nutrients (chất dinh dưỡng) from organic matter in rocks, soil and bark (vỏ cây).

When lichen reproduce (sinh sản) sexually, neighboring lichen exchange genetic information through intertwined root-like structures. The lichen then release single-cell spores.

Dispersed (phân tán, rải rắc, gieo vãi) by wind, the spores (bào tử, mầm mống) colonize new territory, sprouting genetically distinct lichen.

Tags: sex

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