"The ravages of time" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Daniel Fox on Unsplash

"The ravages of time" -> nghĩa là những hỏng hóc, tàn phá hoặc suy thoái theo thời gian.

Ví dụ
Despite their fragility (mỏng manh) scholars (nghiên cứu) say they survived the ravages of time as they were stored in airtight earthenware in the dry desert climate. Some archaeologists (nhà khảo cổ học) are deeply alarmed that the scrolls have found their way here.

The video, posted on the official Twitter for the series, begins with a page of the script which shows the text introducing the item: "And inside, he sees something protected from the ravages of time - a RUBY-ENCRUSTED (lớp vỏ ngoài) DAGGER (dao găm)." The scene then gets an establishing shot of a darkened stone structure which has clearly seen no life for ages.

Lincoln didn’t lose his spot at Penn Avenue and Ardmore Boulevard because of a protest. The ravages of time took their physical toll (tổn thất) on the artwork. And in November 2018, it nearly was taken out by a wayward (không dễ điều khiển) car. He was moved inside the borough (thành phố) building at that point.

Pottery being one of the few material items of cultural heritage (di sản) that has survived the ravages of time, this is an important step forward for the archeology of central Africa.

Ngọc Lân

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