Vậy cũng làm được

dân china đua nhau ly hôn giả để mua nhà thứ 3...
...Wu and her husband are among those caught by the sudden clampdown (chính sách khẩn cấp). As in other major cities, their hometown of Shanghai only permits each household to buy two homes — one of many restrictions (hạn chế) imposed (áp đặt) over recent years to control property prices (kiểm soát giá bất động sản). But many families found it was possible to acquire a third home through a carefully planned divorce.

Though Wu and her partner already owned two apartments, both were registered under the husband’s name (đứng tên chồng). As a result, Wu technically wouldn’t own any property once she became single, meaning she’d be free to buy an apartment of her own.

Tactical divorces (ly dị chiến thuật) of this kind are frowned upon in China, but they’ve become a useful tool for households looking to exploit (khai thác, tận dụng) local policy loopholes (lỗ hổng chính sách). In one extreme case, a family in the eastern Zhejiang province was found to have separated and remarried 23 times in one month (ly hôn rồi lại tái hôn tới 23 lần trong một tháng) to claim higher compensation payments during a resettlement project (dự án tái định cư).

...“We’re all very optimistic that property prices in this area will continue to grow,” says Wu. “A divorce is the most efficient way to get to our (investment) goal.”

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