Covid-19: sao cứ phải giãn cách và có tấm chắn ở nhà hàng ăn?

thử cách mới đi,

các nhà khoa học ở mexico đã chế ra... khẩu trang chỉ che mỗi mũi :D

The specially-designed nose masks (khẩu trang mũi) are to be worn underneath your bog-standard face mask, but come into their own when the time comes to pull down the full mask to eat or drink.

Scientists from the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico said in a press release that the mask 'will help reduce infections (giảm lây nhiễm) by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus - whose main route of entry into the body is by air' but warns that they are 'not intended to replace the masks'.

Instead they say the masks will help to 'reinforce measures' when carrying out certain activities such as eating, drinking or visiting the dentist.

Dr. Acosta Altamirano, who is a specialist in immunology (dịch tễ học) and worked on the mask, said the mask will provide 'an important contribution' to help stop the spread of the virus.

Tags: science


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