"Can whistle for it" nghĩa là gì?

"Can whistle for it" -> nghĩa là nhấn mạnh điều khó có thể xảy ra, 'thôi không mong gì được đâu'.

Ví dụ 
After the way she treated me yesterday, I refuse to do her laundry anymore—she can whistle for it from now on!

But if you've got a smartphone and a self-driving car, does it need to be parked outside your home? Of course not: when it's self-driving, you can whistle for it and it comes from a car park on the edge of town. 

And we cannot do anything diplomatically (bằng biện pháp ngoại giao). We're in the process of leaving the European Union (Liên minh châu Âu) which would otherwise present a sizeable opposition to Russian aggression (sự xâm lược). The White House might in the past have organised international moves against Russia, but we can whistle for it while the current tenant is a Tangoed T-Rex who thinks Putin is his best friend.

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