“Choice bit of calico” nghĩa là gì?

“Choice bit of calico” có calico là vải in hoa -> nghĩa là người đàn bà hấp dẫn, quyến rũ.

Ví dụ
Gents dropped their clams and got ossified (hóa đá, không thể thay đổi), y'see, and all da dames were a choice bit of calico. It was da berries!

“Bluenose” – term for a prude or individual deemed to be a killjoy (người làm mất vui, phá đám). “Butt me!” – “I would like a cigarette.” “Cancelled stamp” – a shy, lonely female, the type one would describe as a wallflower (người không có bạn nhảy trong một buổi khiêu vũ phải ngồi hoặc đứng ngoài rìa trong khi người khác nhảy (nhất là phụ nữ)). “Choice bit of calico” – a desirable woman. “Dewdropper” like lollygagger – a slacker who sits around all day and does nothing, often unemployed. “Know your onions” – to know what’s up or what’s going on. “Mrs. Grundy” – an uptight or very straight-laced individual. “Oliver Twist” – an extremely good dancer. “Pull a Daniel Boone” – to upchuck. “Bank”s closed!” – what you tell someone to stop making out.

I was attempting to charm a choice bit of calico into a little petting session when I was interrupted by Tim the Commissioner saying, “You look a little absent, how about some Absinthe?” I had no choice but to acquiesce (bằng lòng, ưng thuận) to his request and match the flutter of my heart with a burn in my chest. We tossed one down the hatch and soon enough the Green Fairy’s kiss had put a slur in our smile and a stutter in our steps! That’s when I spied a dolled-up, doe-eyed Daisy and took my chance to dance. We jitterbugged (dễ bị kích động, lo lắng) just right, were proper Lindy-hoppers and then Charlestoned till I almost charffed! After all that toe-tappin’ I was really burning with a blue flame and that’s when the trophies made their way to the stage.

Ka Tina

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