"Follow the sea" nghĩa là gì?

"Follow the sea" có follow là theo nghề, làm nghề -> cụm từ này nghĩa là làm thủy thủ, sống đời thủy thủ, lênh đênh sông nước.

Ví dụ 
I always assumed that I would follow the sea, like all of the men in my family, but I just didn't have the constitution for that life.

Previously, in December 2020, Xin Hong Panama ship carrying 7,800 tons of clay, 15 people followed the sea from Malaysia to Hong Kong sank near Phu Quy island, 11 people survived.
More than 100 people followed the sea aboard the USS Pueblo and their relatives filed a lawsuit against North Korea in February 2018. The court's ruling was made on February 16 in Washington.

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