"Gag a maggot" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

"Gag a maggot" có gag là nôn ọe, maggot là con dòi -> cụm từ này nghĩa là ghê tởm, kinh tởm, không hấp dẫn, xấu xí. 

Ví dụ
Many local church leaders until the spring of 1972, when he came out. “The situation is enough to gag a maggot,” a member of one church group then told a local newspaper. 

And that makes me think of the village idiot that went to the refrigerator to pour himself a glass of milk. When he tasted it, he found it to be gag-a-maggot sour (chua).  So what did he do?  He poured the sour milk back into the bottle and put it back into the refrigerator, sure that it was going to be sweet the next time he wanted some milk.

“We’ve got a saying down here in the country that if something smells that bad it would gag a maggot and that’s how bad it is, it’s terrible,” Brad Lewis explained. He says the smell has crept (ghê tởm) about 2 miles away to his country store.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal later that year, McCarthy described the meat as something that “could gag a maggot.” The moose (nai rừng) meat was from the first kill of a young boy from Chief Thomas Tilden’s tribe.

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