"His true stripes" nghĩa là gì?

"One's true stripes" = nét sọc thật -> nghĩa là tính cách thực sự của ai.

Ví dụ 
Tom Kean, Jr. supported Trump’s war on the environment. He showed his true stripes when he ran for Congress and was endorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Phòng Thương mại Hoa Kỳ), which is a major PennEast supporter. 

The will-he-or-won’t-he energy of the last few weeks has been exhausting. But Ye never fails to show his true stripes, and desecrating (xúc phạm) the legacy of Harriet Tubman is the latest scandal that has the public saying, “Kanye just ain’t it."

Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between inconsistency (mâu thuẫn) and hypocrisy (đạo đức giả), and I’m afraid if they want to pretend (giả vờ) to be conservatives their governmental overreach has exposed (vạch trần) their true stripes.

Thùy Dương

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