"In a quandary" nghĩa là gì?

Bối rối đến mức đi xuống nước luôn. Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

"In a quandary" -> nghĩa là trong tình huống khó xử, lúng túng, không biết phải làm gì.

Ví dụ
An incident (trường hợp) in which four children tested positive for COVID-19 at a government school in the city has put the parents in a quandary on sending their children to school. This is despite the fact that most schools are following all the COVID-19 protocols.

The rapid (nhanh chóng) pace at which special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) are raising money is putting regulators across the region in a quandary: either further accommodate an unproven investment structure or risk being left behind.

Due to a lack of coordination at the federal level, the MBS management remained in a quandary over the complete closure of the service after the Punjab government announced its closure (đóng cửa) on Monday. The measure was taken after a high Covid-positivity rate was recorded in nine districts of Punjab, including Rawalpindi.

The partial (từng phần) acquisition (kiếm được) of buildings like shops and houses by the NHAI for construction of the proposed Pathankot- Mandi four lane project has left the affected people in Nurpur section from Kandwal to Bhedkhud in a quandary.

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