Tiến sĩ chỉ đi làm thuê thôi

làm sao điều hành doanh nghiệp, hay khởi nghiệp được,

nói gì đến "dẫn dắt cuộc chơi" lan đột biến được, nhỉ :D
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 127 of John Mueller’s superb 1999 book, Capitalism, Democracy, & Ralph’s Pretty Good Grocery:

Intellectuals who consider business to be boring, mindlessly repetitive, unsatisfying, or lacking in daring, courage, and imagination have never tried to run – much less start – one.

DBx: Yes.

Intellectuals (người "trí thức") – those whom Deirdre McCloskey labels as members of “the clerisy” – excel at talking, as well as at imagining all sorts of alternative realities. They then mistake their glibness (lém lỉnh, ăn nói liến thoắng) and unconstrained imaginations for brilliance and an ability to engineer society and economy into the shapes of their dreams.

Making matters worse, intellectuals hold in contempt (con thường, coi khinh) business people (con buôn) who actually do produce things of value – and who do so, not with coercion (ép buộc), but with persuasion (thuyết phục). Business people persuade fellow human beings to engage with them in peaceful and mutually advantageous ways. Sadly, the only businesses for which intellectuals have any sympathy are those that cannot survive without consumers or taxpayers (or both) being coerced into transferring resources to those businesses.

Tags: economics


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