“Keep your voice down” nghĩa là gì?

“Keep one’s voice down” = hạ giọng xuống -> nghĩa là nhắc ai đó nói nhỏ lại, thì thầm thôi.

Ví dụ
“I remember this nun shouting at me 'you keep your voice down. You'll lower the tone of the building,' and telling me, 'You're paying your penance (sám hối, ăn năn) now.'

Keep your voice down. It’s not just to avoid annoying neighbors. Screaming or singing can boost the chances of releasing droplets and airborne particles in the air, Grayson explained.

In one call before 5:30 a.m., a man told a dispatcher, in hushed tones, that he thought gunfire was coming from somewhere inside his four-story apartment building on 2nd Avenue North. "There have been three rounds of gunshots inside the building," he said, urgently but trying to keep his voice down. "First, about seven or eight minutes ago, and then again about five minutes ago."

Ka Tina

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