"Lost his touch" nghĩa là gì?

Federer đang trở lại. Photo courtesy: Kursat ve 39arkadasi

"Lost one's touch" = mất cảm giác -> nghĩa là không giỏi, cừ như trước đây.

Ví dụ
Jose Mourinho has “lost his touch”, according to one pundit (bình luận viên) who believes two Tottenham players are showing the “stubborn” boss to be wrong.

Shawn Carter, aka Jay-Z, has always displayed a talent not just for rhyme, but for making money too – he was hip-hop’s first billionaire. He hasn’t lost his touch, says Jane Lewis.

2020 Was The Year Nancy Pelosi Totally Lost Her Touch. The Speaker's instincts have atrophied (hao mòn). Her political gambits have failed. She’s been a source of one very public screw up after another.

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