Từ lao công dọn vệ sinh tới giám đốc NASA

hat tip to Linh Hoang Vu,

Cô này trẻ mà giỏi quá. Đúng giấc mơ Mỹ rồi, từ một đứa trẻ nghèo nhập cư, không biết tiếng Anh với 300 đô-la trong túi trở thành giám đốc bay của NASA cho tàu tự hành tới Sao Hoả, một dự án hơn 2 tỷ đô-la. (câu chuyện về Diana Trujillo)
In a NASA video in September, she added: "I was born and raised in Colombia. There was a lot of violence going on in my country, so for me, looking up at the sky and looking at the stars was my safe place."

When she turned 17, Trujillo, who did not speak English, flew to Miami with just $300 in her pocket to start living life the way she wanted to live it, according to CBS News.

To put herself through community college, she secured a housekeeping job, and was able to transfer to the University of Florida, where she majored in aerospace engineering.”

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