"Modulate to a key" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Tadas Mikuckis

"Modulate to (some other/a different) key" -> (trong âm nhạc) nghĩa là chuyển giọng, nốt nhạc; chỉnh âm điệu.

Ví dụ
I like how ZZ Top modulates in their solos; they modulate to a different key a lot of the time. So that inspired us to do that.

This one is my favorite because when the chorus hits, the way they modulate to a different key makes that simple and heartfelt melody and lyrics, “All I want is a place in your heart … to fall into” lights up every single hair on your body, and a shiver of chills shoots through you like a gorgeous lightning bolt. It’s literally one of the best choruses of all time. This is what it’s all about, songwriting-wise, if you ask me.

There are various ways to ‘modulate’ to a different key, but one of the easiest is via chromatic modulation (điều chỉnh nửa cung) - taking a chord in one key and shifting it up one semitone (nửa cung) to a chord that’s in the new key. In this example, a I - IV - V progression in E major modulates to the key of F major by way of the V chord - B major - shifting chromatically up by one semitone to C major, which becomes the V chord in the new key of F major.

Ka Tina

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