"On your hunkers" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

"On your hunkers" có hunkers là hông -> cụm từ này nghĩa là ngồi xổm. 

Ví dụ
We started off with a stretch (dãn cơ) in the crouch position, or as we might’ve said way back in primary school ‘down on your hunkers’. It’s one thing getting in the position but holding it as the teacher walks around the room checking on everyone becomes hard work, very quickly.

Scrolling through Instagram recently a hashtag kept catching my eye #thighbrow. I became intrigued (tò mò) and frantically began googling. Turns out the thigh brow is what happens when, in a bathing suit, you're sitting pretty much on your hunkers or simply slightly leaning forward, and two creases (vết nhăn) appear;

First and foremost is that you get down on your hunkers and eyeball children, you never stand up like the BFG pointing a big bony (xương xẩu) finger in their face and telling them to sit down.

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