Thật cường tráng

các nhà khảo cổ người anh không nhịn được cười khi tìm thấy cối xay 2.000 năm tuổi chạm khắc con CU lớn... :D
...The team have been examining artefacts (đồ tạo tác) that were unearthed (khai quật) on Britain’s biggest roads. It is fair to say they could not believe it when they found a 2,000-year-old millstone (cối xay) decorated (được trang trí) with an enhanced penis (dương vật).

Steve Sherlock, Highways England’s Archaeology (khảo cổ học) Lead for the A14, said: “The phallus (tượng dương vật (để tôn thờ, biểu tượng cho sức sinh sản của thiên nhiên)) was seen as an important image of strength and virility (tính cường dương; khả năng có con; tính hùng dũng, kiên cường) in the Roman world."

He told Cambridgeshire Live that Roman fighters (chiến binh la mã) would often wear good-luck charms (bùa may mắn) engraved (khắc, trổ, chạm) with penises before entering battle (trước khi vào trận đấu).

This is the latest in a series of bizarre discoveries found by archaeologists working on Highways England’s £1.5 billion A14 upgrade project in Cambridgeshire which started in November 2016 and was completed in March 2020.

Experts were then invited to investigate the ancient relics (thánh tích cổ xưa) found during the work on the road between Cambridge and Huntingdon. More than 300 querns (cối xay) - a type of stone tool - and millstones were recovered during the project.

Tags: sex


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