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nasa sẽ đưa... 6,7 triệu mẫu tinh trùng lên mặt trăng... :))

In what they’re calling a “modern global insurance policy (chính sách bảo hiểm hiện đại toàn cầu),” mechanical engineers have proposed that humans establish a repository (kho, chỗ chứa) of reproductive cells (tế bào sinh sản) — sperm and ova (trứng) — from 6.7 million of Earth’s species, including humans.

And the proposed bank, or “ark,” (thuyền lớn) would be beneath the moon’s surface.

As our planet (hành tinh) faces natural disasters (thảm họa thiên nhiên), drought (hạn hán), asteroids (thiên thạch) and the potential for nuclear war (chiến tranh hạt nhân) — to name a few troubles — scientists say that humans must set their sights on space travel (du hành không gian) to preserve life (duy trì sự sống) as we know it.

Tags: sex


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