"Swim with sharks" nghĩa là gì?

"Swim with sharks" = bơi cùng cá mập -> nghĩa là (người) giao du, 'cùng hội cùng thuyền' với những kẻ xảo quyệt, nguy hiểm.

Ví dụ 
I know you think you're a hustler, but you're swimming with sharks nowyou could lose all your money against these guys.

Before you start swimming with sharks, consider this—the last guy who went into business with them wound up dead!

Some of the most innovative businesses were created during times of uncertainty, and a new angel investor community is hosting a virtual event to help entrepreneurs (doanh nhân) learn “how to swim with sharks and invest like an angel” during these especially tumultuous (hỗn độn) times.

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