“Take the road most traveled” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Robert Bye

“Take the road most traveled” = đi con đường nhiều người đi nhất -> nghĩa là chọn cái phổ biến nhất, theo số đông.

Ví dụ
So how did we get here? Why isn’t being compliant good enough? As mentioned above, compliance deals with anticipated threats, the ones we know about. But attackers don’t necessarily take the road most traveled, they see through compliance to locate the weaknesses within. They take advantage of configuration (hình dạng, cấu hình) vulnerabilities caused by weak configurations and misconfigurations in the cloud, akin to the exploitation of application vulnerabilities due to oversights and bugs in code.

By the time Claire Luna (Hayek, too cartoonish but clearly having fun for her Beatriz At Dinner director) shows up to offer a seemingly Faustian bargain, it is understandable that Mel Paige (Byrne) would look at the mountains of debt and jump at the offer, while Mia Carter (Haddish) would see the writing on the wall. The film is formulaic (có tính công thức) to a fault, in fact there’s a moment in the third act where it looks like it might flirt with subversion (lật đổ, phá hoại, biến chất) only to disappointingly take the road most traveled. The end, no spoilers, is every bit as contrived and implausible as you’d expect, even with a refreshing cameo from a comic vet in a key climactic (lên đến tột đỉnh) role.

After graduation, Jean initially followed a familiar path and worked for the Girl Scouts of the Johnstown Region. But anyone who knew Jeannie, knew that she was not one to take the road most traveled. She did not live her life as defined by societies gender restrictions. She enjoyed working with her hands by building things out of a variety of mediums and repairing anything that just didn't quite work as it should. She had a keen ability to problem solve and to resolve problems by accessing untraditional methods and meager (sơ sài, nghèo nàn, gầy còm) supplies at hand.

Ka Tina

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