"Too busy fighting alligators to drain the swamp" nghĩa là gì?

Chase Baker on Unsplash

"Too busy fighting alligators to drain the swamp" = mải đánh nhau với cá sấu mà quên việc phải làm sạch đầm lầy -> nghĩa là quá bận bịu với các thử thách mà quên đi mục tiêu chính.

Ví dụ
The kit also includes an executive presentation tool with suggestions for how to frame (điều chỉnh) the suggested SPC approach in the language of C-level executives. “Manufacturing executives are under a lot of pressure to perform and the old saying ‘too busy fighting alligators to drain the swamp’ is reality for many of them,” said Miller.

Stop, think, dream, and pray (cầu nguyện). Are we "Too Busy Fighting Alligators to Drain the Swamp?" Problem solving is great but we must go beyond that if we want our business to grow. Planning is necessary to map (đặt ra) the course of our business future. Here are the steps that we are taking to fulfill our dreams.

How many times have you heard from your coworkers, friends and yourself the old line about being too busy fighting alligators to drain the swamp? How often does your life seem to be a car crash of intersecting (giao nhau) urgencies (khẩn cấp)?

“People sometimes don’t adopt (tiếp nhận) this technology because, even when there are positive benefits, they are not positive enough to deflect (làm lệch hướng) them from the other parts of the business, like running after customers. That means some people are too busy fighting alligators to drain the swamp. In some cases, this technology would allow them to drain the swamp: find new customers, reduce costs, etc.

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