"Too long; didn't read" nghĩa là gì?

John Schnobrich on Unsplash

"Too long; didn't read" -> nghĩa là quá dài, (chán) chả buồn đọc.

Ví dụ
Too long; didn’t read: Zack Snyder’s Justice League is basically critic-proof, since it’s pitched directly at super-fans who will receive it as the lost masterwork they always knew it to be. They’ve invested (đầu tư) four years of their lives in reinforcing the myth (truyền thuyết) of the Snyder Cut as the One Ring that will restore their hero to his rightful place in the pantheon (bách thần); it’s not like they can admit this isn’t much of an improvement on the other version.

We don't want to spoil (tiết lộ) too much for you as the story is well-worth a full read and is loaded with comedic anecdotes. Put aside your "too long, didn't read" ethos (đặc tính) for a couple minutes and enjoy this illustrious story below.

StarWars.com provides a few pages of the upcoming issue in their preview. But for a too long, didn’t read version of that summary, we have it for you here.

And as video meetings and telehealth became increasingly important during the pandemic, we’ve seen demand rise for NLP tools that can be applied to video meetings. What GPT-3 offers is the ability not just to script and take notes from an individual (cá nhân) meeting, but also to generate “too long; didn’t read” (TL;DR) summaries.

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