Thế thì chịu rồi

người đàn ông bị bắt vì sở hữu ma túy nói rằng đó là muối để chữa sưng chân... :)
When Louisiana cops yesterday found a “clear crystal like substance” inside a plastic Walmart bag in his pocket, John Combs did not, like some suspects, claim it was a laxative (thuốc xổ) or sugar and corn starch to use in baking a cake.

Turns out it was methamphetamine, according to a probable cause affidavit (bản khai có tuyên thệ).

After spotting Combs--who was carrying a large wooden stick--walking in the middle of a West Monroe roadway around 4:25 AM Tuesday, a cop asked Combs to put down the stick and then “patted him down for any more possible weapons.”

During the frisk (lần người để tìm khí giới), Combs reportedly sought to keep the patrolman from searching a pants pocket (which held the crystalline substance).

Tags: funny

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