“Be an unknown quantity” nghĩa là gì?

“Be an unknown quantity” = ẩn số-> nghĩa là không thể đoán được, vì thế khó biết trước.

Ví dụ
That will be a difficult task. Miami enter this season as a bit of an unknown quantity due to all of the changes. Last term feels like it was merely a dress rehearsal, a warm-up for this second season, where things should, in theory, look more settled.

The referee for this one is 34-year-old Alessandro Prontera of Bologna. This will be just his 5th ever Serie A game, with 2 coming earlier this year, but he’s got a reputation for being a bit trigger happy with the cards. Weirdly enough, half of his top flight experience involves Fiorentina, and they’ve won both of those games with minimal referee involvement, so he’s very much an unknown quantity here.

Johnson indicated autism “tends to be a bit of an unknown quantity with people because autistic people or children on the spectrum [or] young adults on the spectrum, they tend to look and appear at first instance as regular, normal people. You could not tell just by looking at them in the streets, but as soon as they start to communicate to you, you see where the deficits are and they are usually shown by insufficient communication or limited communication and also a lot of limited knowledge as well…”

Ka Tina

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