"Couldn't organize an orgy in a brothel" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Joshua Earle

"Couldn't organize an orgy in a brothel" = ở giữa nhà thổ mà vẫn không tổ chức tiệc tùng được -> nghĩa (thô tục) là người yếu kém, không thể sắp xếp tốt mọi việc, ngay cả việc đơn giản nhất cũng không thể làm được.

Ví dụ
From what I can see, trump couldn't organize an orgy in a brothel so setting China straight seems a bit of a long shot.

There is not an iota of evidence, even circumstantial, that Mahathir is capable of choosing people based on “merit” as he likes to claim but more importantly, mainstream political operatives have proven that they are an unholy bunch who couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel.

Debevoise & Plimpton came last with 34%. "The pandemic has been another stick to beat us with over chargeable hours and the need to go above and beyond for the gangsters we generally represent," said a disgruntled lawyer. "They couldn't run an orgy in a brothel," another said, in summary of management's approach.

Ka Tina

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