"Do a moonlight flit" nghĩa là gì?

lucas Favre on Unsplash

"Do a moonlight flit" có flit là vụt qua nhẹ nhàng -> cụm từ này nghĩa là bí mật bỏ đi, thường là trốn nợ.

Ví dụ
Gupta, who would do a moonlight flit after collecting huge bribes (tiền hối lộ) from gullible (nhẹ dạ cả tin) candidates, finally set up office in Vijayant Khand, Gomtinagar, and the racket was unearthed after raids at the office by STF.

A drug dealer who repeatedly sold crack cocaine and heroin was so taken in by an undercover police officer he asked him to help him do a "moonlight flit".

The malicious (nham hiểm) Miss O'Brien is going to do a moonlight flit in the very first scene, leaving Lady Grantham to confront the dismaying prospect of lacing her own stays.

The little bird returns to the post and looks around to check the world is as it left it, before repeating the catch, as if for the first time, every time. Next week, next month, soon, it will do a moonlight flit and vanish (biến mất), returning to another fence far away.

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