"Feel him on soft corn" nghĩa là gì?

"Feel one on soft corn" = ở trên bắp mềm -> nghĩa là khen, tán tụng ai, 'cho ai đi tàu bay'.

Ví dụ 
Philip felt his boss on soft corn: "You're so worried that you can keep your black hair so clever!"

With the words "winged" on CCTV, Elon Musk is emphasizing the importance of the Chinese market to Tesla, 'feeling China on soft corn'. The country accounts for a fifth of Tesla's revenue and is its second largest market, after the US.

But after taking over the dominance (quyền thế), the classes who are "drinking sugar water", "feel them on soft corn" are the most oppressed (đàn áp) and exploited (bóc lột) by a new unified corporation to serve for the rights and interests of a new class first.

Thùy Dương

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