"Keep things in proportion" nghĩa là gì?

"Keep things in proportion" = giữ mọi thứ cân đối -> nghĩa là quan tâm, chú ý tới những cái chính, không để bị những điều nhỏ nhặt, không quan trọng khác làm ảnh hưởng.

Ví dụ
The same sentiments (quan điểm) were echoed by Clarissa Killwick from the group Beyond Brexit – British citizens in Italy, who said: “Unfortunately, in some of the UK press, unrelated bureaucratic problems in Italy got “hijacked”, sharing the same, sometimes inflammatory, headlines. It is important to keep things in proportion. 

No wonder (thảo nào) you're close to losing your temper or telling someone what they can do with their job. Try to keep things in proportion while also saying what's wrong. Above all, don't sound as though you're blaming others for your own problems.

I would add that during exams it’s more important than ever for students to be kind to themselves and to try to keep things in proportion. This too shall pass.

So lets invoke a bit of “proportionality (cân đối)” here. Government ministries like this word. So lets just keep things in proportion here. For every million Canadians who get a vaccination, one of those MP’s also gets a vaccination. When we are all done, so will all the MP’s be done.

Ngọc Lân

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