"Live in want" nghĩa là gì?

"Live in want" có want là tình trạng nghèo khó, thiếu thốn -> cụm từ này nghĩa là sống trong cảnh nghèo khó.

Ví dụ 
I recently stumbled (tình cờ) upon an article published by Gonzaga University, and its message resonated (tạo ra tiếng vang), "solidarity (đoàn kết) with those who live in want.

Born the tenth of twelve children during the Great Depression (thời kỳ Đại suy thoái), Albert knew what it was to live in want. At 18, struck by Crohn's disease, he nearly died. He had his first ostomy (cách mổ để tạo nên hậu môn nhân tạo) surgery on his twentieth birthday and remained grateful all his life for the care he had received from his revered mother.

A grateful nation takes care of those who are prepared to lay down their lives to protect our motherland. No soldier must live in want and destitution (cảnh nghèo túng). Our Defence Policy (Chính sách Quốc phòng) will therefore place emphasis on ensuring the personal wellbeing (tình trạng hạnh phúc, khoẻ mạnh) and welfare (phúc lợi) of our soldiers.

Thùy Dương

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