"Make an exhibition of yourself" nghĩa là gì?

Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

"Make an exhibition of oneself" -> nghĩa là hành xử ngu ngốc, thiếu suy nghĩ ở nơi công cộng; như cách các bạn trẻ hay nói: tự biến mình thành cái rạp xiếc. 

Ví dụ
Don't over-indulge (quá nuông chiều). Several hours of drinking on a summer's afternoon can be highly intoxicating and you don't want to make an exhibition of yourself.

At my request, he rises from the couch in his London hotel room, pulls his sweater (áo) off, and proceeds to make an exhibition of himself, bringing me on a guided tour through the numerous works of skin art that decorate his arms and rather emaciated (hốc hác) looking upper torso.

He the can be seen clapping his hands above his head, before his friend pulls him away, clearly thinking that he's had enough. But it's not the first time that the actor has decided to make an exhibition of himself at a Hammarby match, as was filmed doing something similar back in 2010.

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