"Play the ball and not the man" nghĩa là gì?

Nhìn vậy thôi chứ đoán được làm nghề gì không mng 😀. Paul Castanié on Unsplash

"Play the ball and not the man" = chơi bóng chứ không chơi người -> nghĩa là không vội đánh giá ai thông qua điều họ làm.

Ví dụ
Today's victory against the Aussies has proved that the best way to beat Australia in Australia is to play the ball and not the man. 

I have never thought of myself as particularly confrontational (đương đầu), if you attack me, yes, I will fight back but I have always preferred to play the ball and not the man.

Rather than speak about how other people had voted and criticising them, what you need to focus on is justifying why and how you voted the way you did and that's how you would play the ball and not the man.

The nastiness (sự thô tục) and name-calling is not a good thing. We need to play the ball and not the man. Unfortunately we have seen allegations of lying and in previous years we have seen a member threatening to hit another. They are not helpful.

Thùy Dương

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