"Shirk his duty" nghĩa là gì?

Nhiệm vụ của anh ấy là dập lửa. Photo by Daniel Tausis on Unsplash

"Shirk (one's) duty" có shirk là né tránh, duty là bổn phận, nhiệm vụ -> cụm từ này nghĩa là trốn tránh, bỏ bê nghĩa vụ, trách nhiệm.

Ví dụ 
Instead, the Vice President chose to shirk his duty to preserve our democracy, and Congress was left with no choice but to impeach the 45th President once again. 

Haunted (ám ảnh) by the memory of a rescue gone wrong, former pararescue (vận động viên nhảy dù) Orion Starr has no desire to join Hamilton Jones’s elite rescue team. But he also can’t shirk his duty when the call comes in to rescue three lost climbers on Denali in Alaska. 

Give yourself time to grieve (đau buồn). After the passing of a loved one, there are often many arrangements to be made and others mourners (người đi đưa tang) to be supported and cared for. While no man wants to shirk his duty, it is important to allow time for yourself to grieve as well.

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