"Short and sweet" nghĩa là gì?

"Short and sweet" -> nghĩa là ngắn gọn nhưng dễ chịu, thoải mái.

Ví dụ
In the cover letter, it's kind of like the introductory (giới thiệu) statement, maybe a little bit expanded, but just keep it short and sweet and mention a couple of accomplishments (thành tựu). But, don't put anything in the cover letter that's not in the resume.

Not every gaming experience needs to be a 20-hour adventure. In fact, there are some phenomenal (phi thường) games that can be completed in a single weekend, a single night, or even in a few minutes. Here are 10 wonderfully short and sweet video games on the Switch, and, with the Nintendo e-store holding daily sales, it's easy to pick up some of these titles on the cheap!

Some people think of the North Shore steelhead run as a short and sweet season of a week or so. But the spawning run can come in fits and spurts, often dependent on rainfall, river flows and water temperatures.

"I'm going to make this short and sweet: All good things must come to an end and I feel like certain things run their course and for me, I have run my course when it comes to the podcast," Lindsay said. 

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