"Want of thought" nghĩa là gì?

"Want of thought" có want là không đầy đủ, không có -> cụm từ này nghĩa là thiếu suy nghĩ.

Ví dụ 
He trudged (lê bước) along unknowing what he sought, and whistled as he went for want of thought.

Help us, O Lord, to remember how often men do wrong through want of thought, rather than from lack of love; and how cunning are the snares (cái bẫy) that trip our feet.

It is clearly a vast (rất lớn) inconvenience to each of these to make any change, and they are fretful (cáu kỉnh) and talkative, and all their friends are, and those less interested are inert (trì trệ), and, from want of thought, averse (không thích) to innovation.

Thùy Dương

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