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một phụ nữ nặn trung bình 4.153 mụn trứng cá trong cả cuộc đời :D
When a zit rears its ugly head, do you let nature take its course or start squeezing? For women, a new study finds most take the proactive approach. The average American woman pops a total of 65 pimples (mụn) annually. That’s 4,153 zits in the average U.S. woman’s adult lifetime!

A survey of 2,000 U.S. women is revealing the not-so-dermatologist-recommended ways respondents are taking the process of revitalizing their skin into their own hands – in some cases, quite literally.

Over eight in 10 American women admit to popping pimples

Skin care SinsUnfortunately, 58 percent add they learned a lasting lesson, saying they have at least one scar from their forays into pimple-popping. Over three-quarters of those who pop say they know it’s bad for their pores, but the urge to pop is just too strong.

Tags: health


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