"Wring water from a stone" nghĩa là gì?

"Wring water from a stone" = vắt nước từ hòn đá -> nghĩa là làm điều rất khó đạt đến, nhất là khi giao thiệp với ai là điều khó khăn do tính cách của họ.

Ví dụ 
Good luck getting a group of toddlers to sit still—it's like wringing water from a stone.

Don't bother trying to get an answer from him. You can't wring water from a stone.

Finally, he then asks the giant to wring water from a stone, which he fails to do. Mickey then squeezes water from the round, white cheese, pretending it's a stone. This scares the giant enough to run out of town and never come back, and the people of Cedar Grove declare Mickey their hero.

Thùy Dương

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