"You so-and-so" nghĩa là gì?

"You so-and-so" = bạn cũng rất chi và này nọ -> nghĩa là diễn đạt sự ngạc nhiên, bàng hoàng mà tránh nói ra lời khó nghe, cục cằn.

Ví dụ
"He was squirming around, cursing me, saying, 'Get off me you so-and-so,'" Bednarik said. "He wanted to hurry up and run another play. No way I was gonna let that happen. I held him down until I saw the hands on the clock hit zero. Then I looked down and said, 'You can get up now, you so-and-so. This (bleeping) game is over.'"

In a London pub one night, they ran into a major-league Hollywood name. The 29-year-old comedian, who is reluctant to name the real-life star, recalls, “They saw him drinking alone, and they said, ‘Oh my god, are you so-and-so?’ – and then hung out with him all night and took him to this bar in London.”

Two guys came in separately and sat at different tables by themselves along the same wall. They were both facing the door and clearly waiting for dates. Eventually a woman came in, walked up to the closest guy, and sat down. After about five minutes, the other guy, who was still waiting by himself, got up and walked over to the couple. He said, 'Aren’t you so-and-so? I’m so-and-so. We were supposed to be meeting.' She was clearly flustered. After lots of awkward laughter, she got up and went with the other guy to the other table.

Ka Tina

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