"Angle for farthings" nghĩa là gì?

Đồng fađinh (= 1/4 penni ). Photo by Jerin John on Unsplash

"Angle for farthings" = cố lấy được đồng fađinh -> nghĩa là cầu xin ngoài cửa sổ nhà tù để có được những đồ lặt vặt như hộp, cốc; cố gắng như người câu cá đang cố bắt được cá.

Ví dụ 
Tony angled for farthings with other inmates.

Imagine the days when prisons looked out onto public streets, with the prisoners shouting down at you or angling for farthings.

For those without resources, incarceration (việc giam giữ) in Newgate was especially trying. Each prisoner, responsible for all of his or her expenses, had to live by his or her wits. The keeper was hardly disinterested (không cầu lợi). He made his money by charging for the putting on and removal of chains, and by selling food, stout ale (bia đen), and tobacco to the prisoners. If a prisoner had no money, he might angle for farthings through the windows or grilles from passersby on the street. Sometimes prisoners sold their shirts—or stripped an unfortunate newcomer of his clothes—to buy ale.

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