Vô lý hết sức

đi làm bình thường, ko đeo khẩu trang cũng bị phê bình...

chẳng lẽ khẩu trang sẽ như bao cao su??

cứ xem hàng dài người đi qua an ninh sân bay sau ngày 11/9 xem, tình hình đã thay đổi, mà hơn 20 năm vẫn thế...
...I mention this because we are in a similar phase in which reasonable people are being irrationally demonized (biến thành quỷ) for going back to normal and going mask-free. It makes no sense, but the truth is we get attached to rituals of safety, even after they have become redundant. Look at airport TSA screening, twenty years after 9/11. We so identify with safety protocols that it can feel dangerous simply to follow reason when circumstances change. The fear of Covid somehow gets internalized and perpetuated, just as HIV was. Even today, for example, a diagnosis of HIV feels far more terrifying than, say, diabetes. But diabetes is much, much more problematic now than AIDS, over a lifetime. Covid now seems much scarier than the flu. But if you’ve been vaccinated, that’s exactly how we should think of it. Nasty, but not fatal. So live!

Tags: health

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