Làm sao để trị nạn xả rác bừa bãi

đừng đặt biển nêu hiện tượng xả rác và nhắc bỏ rác vào thùng, phản tác dụng, họ còn vứt thêm,

hãy 'trực quan sinh động', vẽ hình người xả rác, ghi "chỉ có chó mới xả rác ở đây" :D và gạch chéo X màu đỏ...
Dear Dan,

Our neighborhood park has seen a surge (dâng lên) in litter (rác rưởi bừa bãi) and trash (vật rác rưởi, đồ vô giá trị). As chair of our neighborhood association, I was thinking of putting up signs, informing people about this issue and reminding them to please use the trash cans. Can you think of any other strategy that might help us combat the issue of excessive litter and trash?

Informing park visitors about how many people litter may actually result in people littering even more. That is because highlighting any behavior, including negative behavior, can normalize it and achieve the opposite of your intention. This is exactly what research at Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona found: Theft of petrified wood was higher when signs mentioned past visitor’s theft, instead of just expressing disapproval.

With this in mind, instead of pointing to the scale of the undesirable behavior, choose a strongly worded message of disapproval, such as: “Litter in our park is disgusting.” You can make the sign more vivid, and trigger a more emotional response, by choosing a picture to go with the message—for instance, depicting a visitor littering, with a red “X” over his or her action.

Tags: skill

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