"Be cool toward her" nghĩa là gì?

Chú chó thờ ơ với sự cưng chiều của cô ấy =))) Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

"Be cool toward someone" có cool là nhạt nhẽo, thờ ơ, không nhiệt tình -> cụm từ này nghĩa là lãnh đạm với ai.

Ví dụ 
At best, Iran will be cool toward Washington’s diplomatic (ngoại giao) initiative (sáng kiến); at worst, Iranian leaders will attempt to undermine (hủy hoại) it.

Both parties appeared to be cool toward Trump’s desire (mong muốn) for a payroll (lương bổng) tax cut. There are also arguments over continuing a small-business loan program, and Democrats want to help the poor avoid evictions (trục xuất) from their rental homes.

Saudi Arabia has denied that MBS played a role, but some leaders may be cool toward him to avoid seeming to legitimize (hợp pháp hóa) a man who US intelligence agencies (cơ quan tình báo Mỹ) concluded ordered the killing. US President Donald Trump's administration has made clear it does not want to torpedo (làm tan vỡ) the longstanding US relationship with Riyadh, however.

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