"Be in great haste" nghĩa là gì?

"Be in great haste" -> nghĩa là vội vàng, hấp tấp.

Ví dụ 
You'll find this at the end of very many of his letters, and I, too, will have to be in great haste if I'm going to get through this mountain of stuff that I have here.

Without prejudice to the report of the President’s special envoy (đại diện ngoại giao) to South Africa,  we urge the President not to be in great haste to return our High Commissioner (cao uỷ) to Pretoria.

Goggins stated that the foreman (quản đốc) appeared to be in great haste to leave the west end of the yard, and it was his opinion that the foreman wanted to reach the east end before the engine of the freight train cut off.

The government seems to be in great haste. This unjustified (phi lý) haste could ruin the system. Higher education has no value since there are no jobs. Under the circumstances, it is better to pursue music and be happy, a wry (gương gạo) smile flashed across his face.

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