"Be on firm ground" nghĩa là gì?

"Be on firm ground" -> nghĩa là có nền tảng vững chắc (về niềm tin, kiến thức).

Ví dụ 
"Before you go out there and put information out in public that suggests someone has been deliberately (cố tình, chủ tâm) evading their testing, then actually you want to be on firm ground before you do that."

Thus, it would stand to reason – though you can’t always count on that in court – that Buffalo would be on firm ground if officials have the guts to press ahead with a review board with disciplinary (tuân theo kỷ luật) teeth.

But although it may feel like education sector employers would be on firm ground requiring staff vaccinations against this deadly virus, much of the legal argument will depend on the particular circumstances, including the employee’s reasons for refusal.

Thùy Dương

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