"Blow to kingdom come" nghĩa là gì?

"Blow to kingdom come" = thổi qua thế giới bên kia -> nghĩa (lóng) là dùng súng, mìn để giết người; nghĩa khác là nổ mìn phá hủy.

Ví dụ 
The robber waved his gun and shouted, "Get back, or I'll blow you to kingdom come!"

If we blow these rocks to kingdom come, we should be able to rescue the trapped hikers from the cave.

The Philippines is prepared to "blow to kingdom come" pirates (cướp biển) and drug traffickers (kẻ buôn ma túy) passing local waters as part of an intensified (tăng cường) campaign.

There are four bases that you need to blow to Kingdom Come, and you have six bombs in your arsenal (kho vũ khí). However, if you miss one of the bombs you lose the accuracy bonus at the end of the mission. 

Thùy Dương

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