"Brook no truck with" nghĩa là gì?

"Brook no truck with" có brook là tận dụng, truck là buôn bán, đổi trác -> cụm từ này nghĩa là từ chối hoặc không liên quan tí nào.

Ví dụ
The paperwork requirements are onerous (nặng nề) – including an array of corporate and personal documents – and French bank officers will brook no truck with slapdash (ẩu) form-filling. Even if your application and documentation are impeccably prepared, it can still take months to process an application.

Green activists brook no truck with truth or logic if such conflicts (mâu thuẫn) with their ideology (tư tưởng).

I’m a member of the conservative right, and I pride myself on tradition. I’m old-fashioned, and I’m not afraid to say it. Faith, freedom and family all the way, baby! My core (cốt lõi) values are hard work and grit, and I think today’s society is too soft. People need to toughen up, stay on the straight and narrow, and then they can dig themselves out of any rut they find themselves in. This little preamble (mở đầu) brings me to my talking point for today’s column: veganism. As is probably evident, I’m a pretty tough guy, and I brook no truck with vegans. They’re just too soft.

Ngọc Lân

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