"Brother of the quill" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Clark Young on Unsplash

"Brother of the quill" = anh trai của bút lông -> nghĩa là tác giả.

Ví dụ 
Amy Goodson - American nutritionist, brother of the quill of the book "The Sports" - said that people who skip breakfast often crave carbohydrates at night.

Stephen King is the brother of the quill, one of the famous American novelists, and also a familiar name for followers of horror movies. Let's review the film adaptations of his novels and make this writer's famous name!

In early 2020, brother of the quill appearances at bookstores underwent (trải qua) a radical (triệt để) change. Like family reunions, these turned from warm gatherings of people and became a next-best-thing affair with online discussion. 

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