"Busy as popcorn on a skillet" nghĩa là gì?

"Busy as popcorn on a skillet" = bận như bỏng ngô trên chảo -> nghĩa là lúc nào cũng năng động, bận rộn.

Ví dụ 
The store clerk was as busy as popcorn on a skillet.

I'm currently choreographing (biên đạo) three plays, so I'm busy as popcorn on a skillet.

He was always as busy as popcorn on a skillet and never sat down for a minute. Because let's admit it, the next best thing to eating food, is talking about it.

Training for contests leaves him busy as popcorn on a skillet. He told Forbes in 2009 that he runs, but he said in a New York Daily News story published Wednesday that he swims and walks his dog daily, "but it’s mostly dieting."

Thùy Dương

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