"Chuck out of the house" nghĩa là gì?

"Chuck out of some place" có chuck out là tống cổ ra khỏi cửa, đuổi ra -> cụm từ này nghĩa là buộc ai phải rời nơi ở (bằng bạo lực).

Ví dụ 
I therefore apply for a protection order. I want him to surrender (nhượng lại) the car and phone I bought him. I also pray that this court would help me to chuck him out of the house so that he would go and stay with one of his girlfriends.

Her manager offered to let her learn skydiving and when she was in the US on her monthly work visit to the company’s headquarter, she gave it a try and loved it despite her initial fears. “Everyone is initially scared, I was scared too. They had to chuck me out of the aircraft many times. It was between me and the door."

If the Republican Party (Đảng Cộng hòa) splits (chia tách), what name should the Breakaway party (đảng ly khai) use? The Conservative Party (Đảng Bảo thủ), maybe? This question has not become a burning (cấp bách) issue yet, because it’s far from clear that the Republican Party really will split. After all, a majority out of the 50 Republican senators are going to vote against impeaching former President Donald Trump in the trial that opened in the Senate. That doesn’t sound like they are getting ready to chuck him out of the party.

Thùy Dương

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