"Cogito ergo sum" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Qijin Xu on Unsplash

"Cogito ergo sum" -> nghĩa là tôi tư duy, nên tôi tồn tại; đây là phát biểu của nhà triết học René Descartes, đã trở thành yếu tố nền tảng cho triết học phương Tây.

Ví dụ
The most famous line in all of philosophy (triết học) is Descartes’s signature phrase, Cogito, ergo sum, I think, therefore I am. While phenomenology (hiện tượng học) cherishes the radicalness with which Descartes approaches philosophy, it constitutes a thoroughgoing critique of his starting point, beginning with the question of the cogito, or I think.

Rather, it is an endless process of becoming. Inspired by Augustine, Heidegger took to task René Descartes’s theory of the self, most famously expressed in the statement “cogito ergo sum” (“I think therefore I am”). The statement posits (ấn định) that individual consciousness (ý thức) is an object prior (ưu tiên) to all other objects—the only thing of which we can be certain.

Wolf’s tenacious (bám chặt) clinging to his “emergency” prerogatives reflects a mentality common in political classes, for whom Descartes’s “Cogito, ergo sum” (“I think, therefore I am”) has become “Impero, ergo sum” (“I boss people around, therefore I am”).

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